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(403) 696-9465 Suite 160 - 1620 29 Street NW · Calgary · Alberta · T2N 4L7

Vision Therapy

A comprehensive and evidence-based set of procedures that goes beyond basic vision exercises. The approach is designed to correct and enhance skills needed for proper vision, under the supervision of an optometrist.

Who could benefit from Vision Therapy?

Anyone with eyes! It’s never too early or too late to enhance one’s visual skills.
Students struggling in school could have an undiagnosed vision problem. The top signs that a vision problem could be affecting their learning potential are:


   Vision Therapy can also help patients with an eye turn or a “lazy eye”.

 A vision therapy assessment can also ensure that patients struggling with concussion symptoms have the tools they need to assist their recovery. Acquiring the proper lenses may be the missing piece for those struggling with their concussion symptoms.

Call the office today for more information and see if a Vision Therapy assessment is right for you! 

The assessment consists of a minimum of 2 visits. A comprehensive binocular vision assessment is conducted. The proper lenses – including prism correction, if necessary, are determined. Vision perception tests and primitive reflex testing are also conducted if necessary to see if one requires Lens therapy alone, Lens therapy and Vision Therapy together, or Vision therapy alone.